Beginning Again, Again and Again

So those of us who have been granted these wonderful human bodies and souls are often trying to make improvements.
We want to improve our diets, our health, our love lives, our friendships, our work, our work/life balance, our meditation habits, our family relationships... and the list goes on and on and on.
It is easy to get lost in all of these improvements and to feel like we have failed. The feeling of failure often leads to feelings of shame, guilt and remorse.
I sincerely believe that we are so blessed by life, by opportunities and by these moments of struggle. Each day, we get an inherent opportunity when we awaken to begin again. Each time we stall out, break down or back slide in our efforts to move our lives forward, we have another opportunity to begin again. It is super important to remember that life is short..., but I believe equally important to remember that life is long. We have 365 days a year to begin again and again. We have 24 hours each day to start a new pattern. We have 60 minutes in each hour to take a pause and re-open the door to change.
It is an act of self love to give ourselves the grace of forgiveness and the opportunity to try again. I invite you to join me today as I begin a new phase. AGAIN.
In love, Namaste

Lisa CosmilloComment