
Ahimsa is the first of the Yamas. 
In my opinion, Ahimsa, in many ways, says it all.
If one makes it their life's practice to do no harm to another living being, this is a good start, right? But many times we miss the tendency to do harm to ourselves. So the intention of Ahimsa is much broader than it first appears. We work to not harm others, yes, but also ourselves and really any thing.
Ahimsa informs and encapsulates all of the other Yamas. If we have it as our base intention, the other tenets fall into place. 
But living each day moment-to-moment working at non-harming is a worthy goal and a difficult challenge.
And we are human, so above all else, I would argue, self-forgiveness and working at not self-harming are of primary importance. And then it's time to take on the rest of the world in our efforts to move through the world with Ahimsa.
Over the next few weeks, I will explore the Yamas and Niyamas in our newletter. At our June 10-12 retreat, we will explore these yogic guidelines in discussion, meditation and practice. Think of the Yamas and Niyamas like the guidelines on your path to happiness –

Sign up for the Summer Retreat June 10-12

Upcoming Retreat: Welcoming SUMMER!!!

Our May 18 Enrollment deadline is fast approaching.
The Retreat is June 10-12, so if you are interested, now's the time to let us know!!!!

Our retreats are a time for reflection and community.
Please join us for our Welcoming Summer Retreat at Gwinwood Retreat Center on Hicks Lake in Lacey.
We will celebrate the changing of the seasons, enjoy a Yoga Nidra meditation, reiki healing, vegetarian dining, yoga, a guided philosophical discussion of the Yamas and Niyamas, community and art.
You can sign up and learn more about the retreat HERE.