
The niyamas are the second limb of Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga, and tapas is the third of the niyamas.

Self Discipline. 

Some yogis find contentment and peace with little effort.
For the rest of us, it is a practice that takes daily attention and focus.
Our "practice" can look like many things. And in so much as I am probably shooting myself in the foot a little, I will say that we do NOT need to show up in a yoga studio every day to practice or to have self-discipline.
Our practices can look like a walk, sitting quietly with our thoughts, preparing a mindful meal, reading a daily devotional, practicing downward facing dog for 10 breaths.
Our practices are whatever brings us into alignment with our breath our sense of connection, our peace. And perhaps for you, that is coming to a yoga class three times a week. 
Whatever your practice looks like, your self-discipline, it only matters that you show up each and every day for yourself to align with what you need and your life's path. 
At Firefly, we are here to hold that space for you if you need it or to encourage you to find it in whatever way aligns most with your spirit, your life's purpose and needs with love and compassion. 
We all fall down sometimes, our practices get missed, our energies become destabilized. IT is NOT about being perfect. It is about being perfectly true to you. Coming back when you stumble, breathing through the pain of life's trials and choosing YOU again and again and again.
In love, Namaste

Sign up for Classes

Reiki, Yoga Nidra
and Sound Healing bath

When: 1 pm, Sunday, July 24
Where: Tumwater Firefly Yoga Studio
Join 4 Reiki masters for a two-hour healing session. Reiki energy healing will be administered before, during and after a gentle yoga nidra meditation and a melodic singing-bowl sound healing bath.

Register for Reiki, Nidra, Sound Healing Workshop

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