

For some, Santosha is the holy grail. 
If we can find a state of contentment, we can relax... finally. But contentment is often elusive.  Our culture encourages us to continue grasping for what we do not have. We are in a society that always hungers for more and in order to get more, we must work more hours and harder.  Money becomes the only exchange and time and money are associated. Contentment comes from releasing ourselves from the prison of striving for more. Recognizing the value of what we are and what we have. Gratitude is where this begins. Gratitude is a practice that we can engage in and connect with both in life and on our yoga mats. I believe the practice of gratitude lifts us from fear, takes us into a space of always having and being enough. Gratitude is simple and magical.
So, what are you grateful for today?


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