New Year Intention Setting

I DO NOT believe in New Year's resolutions. I think they often turn into negative self-talk that sabotages our good intentions. 
So instead, to honor the turning of the calendar, I spend time at the end of each year reflecting on the previous year, the things that I am ready to release, the things that are no longer serving my highest good. And then, I sit down at the beginning of the new year and with care, intentionally envision what I want my life to look like by the end of the year. As I do this powerful visualization, I have some simple rules that I follow.

  1. I write it down.

  2. I keep it simple. 

  3. I am loving in language and thought.

  4. I allow unlimited vision.

  5. and finally I give grace to all concerned.

Once I have committed my vision to paper, I put it somewhere safe and forget about it. Then at the end of the year, I go back and read what I wrote the year before, reflect and hone my vision and prepare to start all over again. Each year that I have done this simple practice, my visions have gotten closer and closer to my end-of-the-year reality.
Over time, creating positive intentions has become a tradition that I look forward to year after year.


Claiming the Crone -
Stepping into your Wisdom

Join Lisa Cosmillo and Robin Murphy as we delve into exploring the third act of life as women of wisdom.
Aging doesn't always feel like the privilege that it is. It can come with many intense emotions and lots of questions and concerns.
January 8 we will gather to find power and freedom in our elder wisdom through movement, meditation, activity, and ritual. 
(A limited number of scholarship discounts available) 
When: 1 - 5 pm, January 8, 2023
Cost: $108



Reiki, Gentle Yoga, Yoga Nidra and
Singing-bowl Sound Healing Session

Join 4 Reiki masters for a two-hour healing session. Reiki energy healing will be administered before, during and after a gentle yoga practice, a yoga nidra meditation and a  melodic singing-bowl sound healing bath.

When: From 2-4 pm on January 22 

Where: Tumwater Firefly Yoga 
             212 Tumwater Blvd SW

Cost: $55

Questions? reply to this email or call anytime 360-480-7917

Register for Reiki/Nidra Event

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