Expanding our practices

Many different things bring people to the practice of yoga.
I have often said, I don't care what brings you to the mat, just that you find your way. 
Oftentimes, a doctor's suggestion or a need for stress relief, exercise or stretching will be the impetus that brings people to the mat. 
But, I have found in my years of practice and teaching that no matter what brings people to the practice, if they consistently show up, they will find the benefits to be more than they could have ever imagined.
A few of the gifts that Yoga provides:

  • exercise

  • inner calm

  • anxiety and stress relief

  • mobility

  • strength

  • community

  • spiritual connection

  • grounding

No matter your reason for showing up, the benefits will expand.
This week, I would like to suggest that you look at the schedule, and perhaps try a new class, perhaps a different practice. If you are an energetic practitioner, maybe try a restorative practice. If you are a gentle practitioner, maybe challenge yourself to a yoga for all class. You may find a new practice, new pathways and expansion. You might even make a new friend.

Stepping outside of routines keeps us young, our neurons firing and our lives interesting.
Please Join us!!!

In vibrant health, 

Lisa CosmilloComment